Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 2014 - Whole30 Days 20 and 21 - Traveling and Restaurants In Arizona

After dinner yesterday on Day 19, I bet you thought the kitchen was closed? Well almost, at 8pm we packed up the kids, hopped in the car, and headed to the airport for a weekend getaway to Phoenix and Sedona Arizona. I'll share that story in another post. For now I'll focus on the food aspects of the trip and how closely I remained loyal to Whole30.

At the airport we bought bottled waters. Tim bought us a couple apples at Starbucks, and Gracie picked out a bag of pistachios at the bookstore. It felt good to make good choices and not succumb to the usual chips, soda, and chocolate treats.

Our flight was 11pm to 1:30am, arriving in Phoenix at 11:30pm. We picked up our rental car and headed straight to a nearby hotel to get some much needed sleep. Tim had us up first thing in the morning at 7am ("But it's 9am our time" Tim says).

Anyway Breakfast on Saturday, Whole30 Day 20 was at Seed Café. Amazing! I ordered their turkey tomato and spinach burrito wrapped in an omelet. And to top it off I go their Coffee Nut drink which is made with homemade almond milk with dates. It was delicious! My stomach did churn a little after drinking the coffee, so I don't know if my body is starting to react to the almonds, or if maybe it was the acid in the coffee?

Whole30 Day 20 Breakfast - Phoenix Arizona omelet and coffee at Seed Cafe

Lunch was in Sedona at the Red Rock Café. I ordered their chef salad with oil & vinegar for dressing, and no cheese. I also ordered their homemade fancy homefries because they sounded so delicious (and compliant).

Whole30 Day 20 lunch in Sedona Arizona - Salad and potatoes at Red Rock Cafe

It feels so good, emotionally and physically, to eat clean. I can't imagine life without Whole30 eating. OK yes, I do occasionally miss pasta, and I really miss cheese, but I'm really not missing anything else at all. And with that said... I sure hope the weight starts melting off...

Dinner was at the Cowboy Club in downtown Sedona. I forgot to take a picture, but I ordered the beef filet with sweet potato and veggies. The waiter told me the sweet potato was made with cream and a "little" sugar. I don't know. My body didn't seem to react to the sugar at all, so either there really was a minimal amount, or I am still needing quite a few more weeks of detoxing.

Sunday, Whole30 Day 21

We woke up in our awesome cabin and lounged about, and drank black coffee. Sadly we did not make an effort to go out and get breakfast before our scheduled morning hike. Bad, I know. But we did eat some leftover fruit and nuts, and drank a TON of water. And check out these R Bar snack bars that we found. They "may" contain nuts, but since it's not listed in the ingredients I consider it compliant and a perfect snack for hiking while on vacation.

Whole30 Day 20 Snack in Sedona Arizona - R Bar Fig and Almond

Lunch was at Oaxaca Restaurant for traditional Arizonian food. The appetizer was great. Grilled Arizona cactus with a Romesco sauce made of red chile peppers and almonds. Yum. I'm not sold on cactus in general, but the sauce was fabulous. And I did my best to eat around the cream sauce decoration.

My main meal was the side salad, again with olive oil and vinegar, and the Oaxaca Posole (A New Mexican & Native American stew flavored with chicken, red & green peppers, onions, herbs & spices). The posole was good, but the chicken was a little dry and the posole in general wasn't as strongly flavored as I hoping. It needed more...depth? Regardless, I felt healthy and rejuvenated after eating, which was good because we had a full day of hiking and adventures.

Whole30 Day 21 Lunch in Sedona Arizona - Oaxaca Restaurant Grilled Cactus and Romesco Sauce, Salad, Chicken Posole

Dinner was at Open Range Grill & Tavern. I didn't take a picture of my meal, perhaps because subconsciously I knew it wasn't compliant. There really wasn't much on the menu that caught my eye and I was feeling tired of lettuce...  So, I had the meatloaf, potatoes, and broccoli. Good enough.

I did get a picture of the family by the window. Check out that view!
Whole30 Day 21 Dinner in Sedona Arizona - Open Range Grill & Tavern

After that it was time to return home to Dallas and continue Whole30.

How was your weekend?

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