Monday, September 8, 2014

September 2014 - Whole30 Day 8

Monday, September 8, 2014

Breakfast - Do you really want to know? Do I really have to tell you? ugh. So, I ran around this morning grabbing all those last minute things that I need for a business trip, loaded the car, got the toddler ready for his preschool, grabbed breakfast for said toddler, ran out the door, and as I was driving down the street thought to myself, "Oh crap, what am I going to eat?"

So after much debate I decided that McDonald's was the way to go. Now way... before you log off in disgust or write me a scathing comment... I bought 2 breakfast sandwiches knowing that I could eat the egg and not the bun. So, that's what I did. I got the southern style chicken biscuit, and the egg sausage biscuit, with a large iced tea UNsweet, and threw the biscuits away. That's huge for me! I completely resisted all the other options that I normally would have purchased (hello pancake breakfast sandwich!). Success in my book!

PLUS, I've been making this drive from Dallas to Houston for years, and never have I driven without sugared coffees, red bull, soda, doritos, candy, chips, popcorn, etc. etc. Whatever caffeine and food I needed to keep me going for 4 hours. 

I consider breakfast a HUGE success!! 

Lunch - Lunch arrived right after I got to Houston and right before a meeting. Hello, bad planning! I opted for a drive through near the office. How does Jamba Juice sound? Fruit and Veggie non-dairy and non-soy, technically compliant, even if it isn't technically compliant? 

Again, this was a successful choice, I think, and I'm not going to let it distract or disappoint me. Judge all you want ;)

Dinner - Dinner was a big salad and gluten-free fried chicken at Max's Wine Dive. Both were pretty good and I would definitely get it again. Although, there are so many more decadent heavenly options at Max's, it's almost best not to go at all if all you're going to get is lettuce and water. 

Feeling - How am I feeling? I feel pretty good considering I've eaten out 3 meals. Tired. Slightly stressed and anxious about work and meetings tomorrow. But nope, I did not not eat my emotions today. There's no hidden chocolate in the hotel room. Today was a success in my book. I am Whole30. I can do this. 

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