Thursday, September 18, 2014

September 2014 - Whole30 Day 18

Thursday, Whole30 Day 18

YAY for Day 18!

So excited that I've made it this far, and I'm still going strong and thinking of a Whole60 and even Whole100... can you imagine? 100 days with no sugar, no dairy, no soy, no pasta or grains of any sort? If you've made it to Day 18 of a Whole30 then you probably know what I'm talking about. My skin is clear, and my head is clear, and my clothes are looser. I haven't weighed, but I'm definitely down a few pounds and feeling good. NO, I don't have any Tiger Blood excess energy surges yet, but that's ok. I have years and years of fast food and poor food choices to clean out of my system.

Breakfast today was tough. I did NOT want to eat, but I forced myself. Two scrambled eggs with a handful of spinach, sea salt, and dried garlic, and a handful of shredded sweet potato cooked in olive oil.

I had a cup of coffee today with coconut milk and cinnamon. I didn't really enjoy it very much. I may be off coffee all together. It's just not worth it without a gallon of milk and sugar which is definitely not something I can have. Or want to have.

Lunch consisted of tuna stuffed in mini bell peppers, and a tall glass of water with a splash of Knusen's Just Cranberry juice and a drop of Young Living Lemon Essential Oil for a little liver cleansing. A little sparkling LaCroix added to the drink would have turned this into a nice mocktail cocktail!

After lunch I wanted a little something more so I made a smoothie with a cup of blackberries, a banana, a handful of kale, a drop of the Lemon Essential Oil, and 30 drops of Red Raspberry tincture. The smoothie was good, but could have used a little honey. Yes, I'm still trying to slay that sugar dragon.
Dinner was so very delicious, in part because I didn't have to cook it! Tim pan fried a salmon filet with crushed pecans. Oh so delicious! Plus asparagus and a salad. 

 And now the kitchen is closed. Night Night everyone.

YAY for another successful Whole30 Day. How was your Day 18?

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