Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 2014 - Whole30 Day 27

Saturday, September 27

Whole30 Day 27

I made a conscious effort today to stay compliant and true to the book, starting with eating a large breakfast. I chopped up a handful of broccoli, and mixed it in a bowl with leftover Kalua Pig and a couple spoonfuls of sun-dried tomatoes. Delicious! I'm pretty happy about the big bag of broccoli that we bought at Costco. We split the bag into 2 gallon size freezer bags and put one in the freezer. The one in the fridge has been so convenient to add handfuls of broccoli to this meal, and other meals like the salad a few days ago.

Whole30 Day 27 Breakfast: eggs broccoli kalua pig, and sun dried tomatoes (

After breakfast we headed to the Dallas Arboretum to take a few pumpkin pictures, and get some sunshine and exercise. We did have a snack of dried apples and fruit leathers. And for lunch we grabbed Chik-fil-a nuggets (grilled for me) and regular unsweet iced tea.

Dallas Aboretum Pumpkin patch (

Dinner was more cucumber slices and burgers. I added more chopped broccoli, more sun-dried tomatoes, Mrs Dash Table Blend, chopped onions, and garlic powder to the burgers. Pretty tasty! We also finally bought 2 bottles of Tessamae's dressings at Whole Foods and added a little to the plate for dipping.

Whole30 Day 27 Dinner: burgers with cucumbers and Tessamaes dressing (
After dinner I made smoothies as a weekend treat for the family. Pretty delicious: frozen bananas, pumpkin, coconut milk, crushed ice, and spices (ginger, mace, cinnamon). I think we'll make this for breakfast again tomorrow too.

Can you believe we made it 27 days already! YAY for clean eating and no chemicals, no sugar, and no toxins! How are you feeling on Day 27?

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