Monday, September 15, 2014

September 2014 - Whole30 Day 15

Monday September 15, 2014

Welcome to Week 3 Whole30!

Yay! I'm so excited to have made it to Week 3!

Last night we went grocery shopping at Sprouts and stocked up on food for the week. I keep reading, or hearing, people say that they can't afford organic or to eat healthy, and I don't believe it anymore. Last night we spent $175 at the store and got more than enough food. For 3 people for 5 days, that's approximately $4 a meal. Much cheaper than processed food or drive-thru food. And that $175 includes olive oil, 4 dozen eggs, enough Salmon for more than a couple meals, and a ton of fruit. It's actually exciting... we're saving not only calories and toxins, but money too!

Our Whole30 Meal Plan for Week 3:


Sweet Potatoes
Coconut Milk for Coffee
Plus Salad

(substitute Chicken thighs)
Cauliflower Rice


Grilled Salmon


Leftover Chili


Grilled Tilapia


Grilled Steaks
Grilled Spanish Squash

We specifically did not plan food for Saturday and Sunday for reasons which I'll explain on Friday.

Today's Meal:

Breakfast - a meager banana and coffee with coconut cream. Ugh. I know this isn't enough. I'm still struggling with healthy appropriate breakfasts. I'm just not hungry in the morning, and trying to eat triggers my gag reflex.

Lunch - Leftover chicken shish-kabobs with guacamole.

Dinner - Well... someone (me) forgot to take the chicken thighs out of the freezer, so, I improvised and made tilapia curry. Delish. This was also my first time making the cauliflower rice and it was great! Especially since the curry sauce soaked up the "rice." I filled up quite quickly with this meal and didn't eat everything I had put in my bowl. And then 2 hours later I was starving, so I ate 2 plums. I'm guessing that my body is still adjusting to all this new fiber?

Feeling - More energetic. More motivated.

How's your Whole30 Day 15 going? Do you have meals planned for the week?

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