Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 2014 - Whole30 Day 24 - The Dream Is Free

Wednesday, Whole30 Day 24

My pants are not the slightest bit looser. But my rib cage, under my bra band is 3" smaller, so yay for skinnier areas (that no one sees... ?)!

OK, it's a process right? I'll get there... I'm sure the scale is lower too. First my body has to remove excess water and bloat (in my fingers, toes, neck, and ankles), and then perhaps in my belly. 

In all seriousness though, I've eaten out at restaurants, A LOT, this month, and a lot the past few days. That fact coupled with not eating breakfast like I should, and all my excess weight, means it's probably going to be a while for me to see significant differences.

The important thing is my new relationship with food. My decreasing dependency and craving for sugar and easy processed foods. I have a long way to go, but the ball is rolling steadily, and I am definitely happy.

I took this picture hiking in Sedona Arizona this past weekend, and used the new Studio app and Whole30 remix package to add the text. Love it!

Isn't this quote great? And applicable not only to physical prowess, or clean eating, or increased health, but also to career aspirations, personal projects, and pretty much ALL goals.

OK so back to food and what I ate on Whole30 Day 24...

Breakfast was bad again; A banana and almonds with a coffee (coconut milk, date, and cinnamon). While driving to the office. It's going to take me a long time to get into the habit and desire to eat breakfast. But hey, if that turns out to be the biggest hurdle (as opposed to candy corn and bowls of Halloween candy), I will take it!

Lunch was a big boring salad at Cheddars. I ordered the grilled chicken pecan salad sans cheese and pecans. No dressing, just olive oil and vinegar. Even after a discussion with the waitress about no sugar, no dairy, no grains, she still brought the typical warm croissant topped with sugar/butter. Ugh. It smelled sooo good. 

Dinner was grilled steaks. I was so not hungry at all, but Tim still fixed my plate with a scrambled egg, a couple pieces of broccoli and sliced tomato, and I added a 1/4 cup of guacamole. I ended up eating 2 full pieces of steak!

Daily Keystone Whole30 Day 24 Dinner. Grilled Steak, eggs, tomato, broccoli and guacamole.

And the crockpot is running with Nom Nom Paleo's Kalua Pig for tomorrow's dinner... 

Are you struggling with anything on Day 24?

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