Friday, September 12, 2014

September 2014 - Whole30 Day 11

Thursday, September 11, 2014

I'm home!

Most of the night was spent with a toddler clinging to me and climbing on top of me, so I'm not feeling rested this morning. The Whole30 Timeline says today will be one of the last hard days before the excess energy hits. Man, I can not wait for tiger blood!!

Breakfast was a banana and water. I know I know. I have no appetite in the morning and I feel like I'm forcing myself sometimes. I used to grab a handful of almonds to get that much needed early morning protein, but I'm trying not to do nuts for this Whole30. My last attempted at Whole30 resulted in me using them as a crutch and eating way too many. PLUS, I'm trying to strengthen my teeth and perhaps remineralize, and that means cutting out the phytic acid in nuts. Ok I'll write more on that another day. Whether its possible or not remains to be seen. I'm the ever optimist researcher and believer in most things holistic and healing. And once I kick my sugar addiction dependency life will be amazing and glorious!

Lunch was 3 scramble eggs, yellow bell pepper, spinach and a small potato shredded and cooked in ghee. This isn't a fabulous photo, but you get the idea.

Whole30 Day 11 Breakfast of eggs bell pepper spinach and potatoes shredded and cooked in ghee.

Dinner was chili. Simple clean eating chili. Ground beef, ground turkey, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, and a ton of seasoning. Simmered all day, and then a spinach and bell pepper added at the end.

Whole30 Day 11 Dinner of chili. Ground beef turkey tomatoes spices spinach and bell pepper.
I'm still not feeling the tiger blood or boundless energy, but I noticed this evening that the sluggishness and fog are lifting. I played music while cooking and bounced around the kitchen getting things done, picking things up, taking the trash out, cleaning, etc. And it felt really good.

Smile Often, Dream Big, Laugh a Lot, Realize how blessed you are

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