Monday, June 17, 2013

Catching Up

Well, it's now Monday June 17th, and I think I only made it 4 days this month on the program.

We got to Oregon on Tuesday and for lunch ended up at a Vegan restaurant. If it's not Whole30 compliant, it's at least Vegan and healthy. Right? Maybe?

If you're in the Portland area try Native Foods. Between the three of us we had the Twister Wrap (Salad greens, fresh avocado and cucumber salsa, creamy chipotle sauce and blackened Native Chicken in an organic whole wheat wrap), the Rockin' Moroccan Bowl, (Native Chicken marinated in homemade Moroccan sauce with grilled veggies and quinoa), and the crispy sweet native fries. It was all beyond delicious and I don't think we were able to finish it all. The daily made from scratch lavendar lemonade and watermelon fresco drinks were awesome. Honestly, my FAVORITE things, were the desserts. Sorry. I have to admit it. The desserts were free and who can pass up Peanut Butter Parfait and Oatmeal Creme Pie? Just thinking of it now is making me drool a little... It was so decadent and delicious... seriously.

On Wednesday we ate breakfast in the hotel restaurant and I got the veggie omelet, but did have coffee with cream, no sugar. For lunch we went to Applebees and I had a the grilled shrimp salad with no dressing. Dinner was micro-brew beer, and more beer. I was tired and stressed and, did I mention we were in Portland!? We love Oregon. Beautiful, lush, green, healthy... I don't remember what we ate on Thursday or Friday, but I know it was not Whole30. And every day since we returned has been bad bad bad.
So here we are, Monday, June 17th. Day 1? I could wait and start again next month. July 1, Day 1, but that seems crazy. I really want to succeed at this. I need to make this work regardless of traveling and work and a busy lifestyle, and I don't want to wait anymore.

After a week and a half of eating poorly again, I'm feeling a plethora of ailments. My plantar fasciitis is acting up, my ankles are swollen, my pants are tight, I'm "hungry", I'm tired, I'm craving sugary creamy chocolate. My back has been hurting at night, which causes me to incessantly wake up and slowly and painfully roll over. I'm probably snoring again and I think my blood pressure must be up because i'm having random bouts of insane sweating. Or maybe that's just the 100 degree Texas heat coupled with my guilt-induced-stress?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to these issues alleviating again, like they did in May I when succeeded in following through with 10 days of the whole30. Imagine following through with whole30 for 30 days, or even 60 days, and not even having these issues alleviated, but completely eliminated. Gasp, that would be amazing! And of course a couple hundred pound weight loss would be ideal as well.

So back to the plan, last night we marinated pork chops for dinner tonight and lunches this week. I also made eggs, ground turkey, and veggies, added a ton of random spices (cumin, seasoned salt, pepper, cayenne, and turmeric) and divided them up into 10 Ziploc small bowls so that we'd have breakfast ready. The containers stack really well in the fridge, hold a 1/4 cup of meat and 2 eggs perfectly.

Tonight I'll need to take inventory of the fridge and freezer and figure out meals for the rest of the week. Seems so simple, but I've lived in the moment for so many years that preplanning meals doesn't come naturally and in the past couple months I've had a bad habit of forgetting to do this.

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