Monday, June 3, 2013

Who am I, and why the heck am I doing this?

Dear Diary,

I'm crazy busy sporadic and all over the place with my interests and hobbies and wants. Working full time, toddler, 7-year old step daughter, boyfriend, house, home, trying to get healthy, stay healthy, be active, have a career... It's craziness. We're traveling all the time for work and for family and trying to be as spontaneous and full of life and adventure as we can be, all while trying to find and maintain balance.

In April, I created a blog through and began documenting my daily challenge, which sadly lasted less than 30 days. Twelve I think? I jumped in without any planning, and then between work meetings and travels out of town, I really struggled to stay on program. Having the blog calling out to me every day helped keep me accountable tho. As did a couple close friends who have also been doing the challenge with me; and they have been very successful and will hopefully post on here as well from time to time!

Anyway, here I am starting fresh. New month, new blog to document the journey, and a cute name too! The Daily Keystone. What's a keystone? It's that center stone in the arch, the foundation, the one that holds all the others in place. As women or mothers, regardless of whether we work or stay home, don't we feel often like we're that keystone that keeps the family in balance? All the while wondering what that keystone is that keeps "us" in check and from crumbling? Maybe it's our exercise regimen, our to-do lists and planner, our supportive spouse, or our blog? Maybe our keystone changes daily?

I've been reading blogs for years. Pasta Queen was probably my first blog, then there was my addiction to the and lately it's been every homemaking housekeeping blog that I can find. I thought it would be so much fun to write my own blog, and honestly, I'd love to be able to provide an inkling of support to others, as I have received from the blogs I read.

and there's a sense of accountability with writing a blog, and documenting every day of this danged journey. It's easy to fail or quit or give up, when no one knows what we're doing. And it's also easy to forget the struggles and the accomplishments when there's no documentation to look back and review. Like a baby book... we all remember being a baby, but it sure is fun to look back and see ourselves and read about the little funny things we did, and then reminisce about the people who visited and cared for us. This blog may be my baby book... my pre-40 (gasp!) baby book...

Perhaps writing this blog will help me to unload and defrag in an organized fashion, to become a better person. Maybe I'll write a book some day? Maybe I'll learn somethings about myself. Maybe I can even inspire others?

Are you writing a blog? What inspired you to start? Did you feel slightly awkward at first… as if you were publishing your diary?

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