Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 1st, Whole 30 Day X

I’m so sick of saying Day 1, but I will not give up.

Breakfast was great! The BF made a smoothie with a banana, apple juice, and frozen mixed fruit (peaches, pineapple, strawberries). Completely delicious. Then when I got to work and I was hungry (not surprisingly since I didn’t have any protein), I had a piece of the homemade larabar that I made over the weekend. I think tomorrow we’ll mix chia seeds and flaxseeds into the smoothie. Maybe even some kale or celery?

This was the second batch, and second recipe, of Larabars that I've made, and the ratio of dates to nuts was still was too dry. Luckily I had more dates to add to the mix (i.e. more moisture) and the recipe worked out great in the end. I think I will continue to make these and my basic rule of thumb will be a 1:1 ratio of dates to nuts, making sure that I have extra of both on hand. Once all nuts are ground and dates are pureed (not quite a puree, just finely mixed), then add all the extra fun ingredients, refrigerate for a little while to harden and set, and then they’re ready to eat. For this batch I cut up into small and large pieces and individually wrapped in wax paper for easy and quick transporting; I may not do this every time.

Ingredients: Approx. 4 cups dates, 2 cup cashews, handful chopped dried apricots, 1 cup dried blueberries,1 cup of dried dates (just because I had them on hand), and a sprinkling of chia seeds and hemp seeds.

Lunch was a quick trip to Wal-Mart before eating lunch (bad bad idea), and resulted in an impulse splurge on Russell Stover’s pre-packed Smores. Lunch was leftover Italian sausage with sautéed bell peppers and onions.

For the drive home I’d like to say that I had a green apple, but I forgot the apple and my water on my desk, and even though my normally 30 minute drive turned into a 90 minute drive due to traffic, I did not do a drive-thru for donuts or French fries. Small victory.

Dinner was grilled pork chops, grilled zucchini and yellow squash from the Greenling Local box, and a kale, cucumber, amaranth, pescole salad with lime olive oil. And lots of water to drink.

I know the book (It Starts With Food) says to have 3 meals with no snacking, and I’m sure I’ll be able to do that soon. For years now I’ve focused on eating every couple 2-3 hours (insert Weight Watchers and South Beach influence here); breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Right now my main priority is getting through a day, and then getting through a week, without cheating and having Smores. Or cookies. Or donuts. Or pie. Or other break room pastries. Or tall Dunkin Donuts iced coffee with cream and extra sugar. Ugh.

End of day synopsis. I want sugar and I’m tired (from day after day of not enough sleep).

Day 1 with no drive-thru (Check!), no sugar (Almost), and no dairy/soy/grains (Check!).

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