Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 2014 - Whole30 Day 23

Tuesday, Whole30 Day 23

Breakfast was a banana and almonds again while listening on a conference call and trying to get Grady to play quietly next to me because I let him sleep in and didn't get him to school before the call started. It was a little rough, but I'm glad I got that extra time with him to snuggle.

Lunch was... I don't remember. Shoot. I think I worked through lunch and didn't even realize it. How sad is that!?

Dinner was grilled chicken thighs, baked sweet potato coins with olive oil and cinnamon, and a salad with symphony heirloom tomatoes from Costco, Mrs Dash table blend, olive oil, and lemon vinegar. Yum.

Big Non Scale Victory (NSV) today. After dinner we were playing in the back yard and jumping on the trampoline. Normally I'm a scaredy cat and feel awkward and unstable on the trampoline, so I just walk around it or jump tentatively without my feet leaving the surface. Today was jumping HIGH and even feeling confident enough to bend my knees while jumping. This was a very odd and unexpected NSV, but I'll take it! 


I guess I got some confidence and goofiness too because I not only requested this picture to be taken, but here I am actually posting it...

Did you know that trampoline jumping (rebounding) has great health benefits?

According to WebMD, rebound jumping on a mini-trampoline is low impact and can burn 160 calories in half an hour. 

The website states that rebounding can:

  1. Increase white blood cells
  2. Stimulate lymphatic system
  3. Detoxify
  4. Boost energy
  5. Improve digestion
  6. Improve varicose veins
  7. Weight Loss
  8. Prevent Cancer
  9. Build Bone Mass
  10. Reduce cellulite (because of stimulated lymphatic system).

For more information about these items, and to read about NASA's roll in this, and the G-force of rebounding, read this article.

Have you had any surprising or unexpected non scale victories with Whole30?

Do you jump too?

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